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We invite Research Papers submission to the conference which should not exceed 6 pages using the IEEE Standard template ( available here ) without page numbers .

Papers will be peer-reviewed, and selected based on their originality, technical strength and topical relevance. One of the authors of an accepted submission must attend the conference and present their work as a condition of publication. A dedicated session of the conference will be held for the presentation of posters.
The full papers should be submitted in PDF format to the wccs24 EasyChair online submission website: 

Papers must strictly adhere to page limits as follows.
– Regular Paper: 6 pages (Max 2 extra pages allowed at additional cost : by 8 pages)

The following instructions should be respected

  1. Authors should make sure that the English of their papers meets the required standard.
  2. No hyperlinks should be included in the document (e. g., clickable website addresses in the references).
  3. The quality of figures, photos and tables is also a very important requirement for the publication.
  4. It is also the obligation of the authors to make sure that all sources of the research used in their papers have been adequately referenced. Papers with any kind of plagiarism will be systematically excluded from this publication. IEEE has a very strict policy against plagiarism in all its publications and it publishes on a regular basis a black list of authors who are banned from publishing in its journals and in the DL owing to plagiarism. Authors wishing to check possible plagiarism in their papers may use free plagiarism detection tools such as Plagiarism Checker.