Session 4

Complex Networks

Identification of Super-Spreaders of Foot and Mouth Disease in the cattle transportation network: The 2018 outbreak case in Cesar (Colombia)
Francisco Gómez, Jeisson Prieto, Juan Galvis, Fausto Moreno and Jimmy Vargas
Measuring agenda-setting effects on Twitter during the 2016 UK EU referendum
Tiago Santos, Jorge Louçã and Helder Coelho
Chemical Organization Theory of Reaction-diffusion systems
Stephan Peter, Peter Dittrich and Bashar Ibrahim
Online Social Networks: Study and validation of the regular behaviors of a targeted community on a complex network using a time series approach
Jaafar IDRAIS, Yassine EL MOUDENE and Abderrahim SABOUR
A Taxonomy of Community Lifecycle Events in Temporal Networks
Luis Ramada Pereira, Rui J. Lopes and Jorge Louçã
Coloured graphlet profiles as a predictor of career length in scientific co-authorship networks
Oliver Blanthorn and Eva Navarro-López

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